Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Chuck-It Bucket 1.0 to Today

When we launched PigEasy and set out to build the product line, adding the Chuck-It Bucket was a no brainer….

Long before it ever had a name, Dad built the Chuck-It Bucket for our sow farm to hold and handle pig mortalities and afterbirth.  He didn’t like the idea of full 5 gallon buckets spending days near the door waiting for the skid loader; the sight and the smells aren’t good for our employees and it’s simply inefficient.  Then you have the issue of the loader bucket. Who wants to clean that out twice a week or leave it dirty?

Of course a simple dumpster wouldn’t do for Dad. It had to completely empty so nothing could be left in to rot. The skid loader driver also needed to be able to drive right up to it and move it out of the bio-secure area.

The very first proto-type we've used on our farm for
the last 20 years!

Dad has updated the design since our very first prototype. But like with all of our products, the original is still used on the farm. This dumpster has lived through a lot and still works like a charm 2 decades later.

I think the greatest joy we have at PigEasy is to hear how our products simplify every day tasks and make things just as easy for others as they do for us.

Until next time,


For more information, visit www.pigeasy.com or call (888) 354-0112.